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13 March 2012

 Irish American twins born in different years in historic first:
Ronan and Rory’s births are spread between 2011 and 2012

IrishCentral Staff Writer

In an historic first, Irish Americans Ronan and Rory Rosputni are twins born with different birthdays in different years.
     Ronan was born in Buffalo to mother Brighid Maura O’Brien Rosputni before midnight on 31st December 2011 while his brother Rory was born 33 minutes later at 12.10am on 1st January 2012.
     “It’s like a dream” said their mother Brighid, whose grandparents came from Clare, speaking to Buffalo News at the Women’s & Children’s Hospital in Erie County. Not only was the timing of the twins births quirky but it’s believed that they were also the last children born in 2011 and the first born in 2012.
     "They have completely different birth dates and years," Rosputni said. "I don't know if it's ever happened. I'll have to do some research.“ Experts are also investigating.
     Brighid’s father, Edward O’Brien, told Irish Central there was a long history of twins on the Irish side of the family.
     He said that they had traced their roots to Miltown Malbay in Clare through his brother, Kevin O’Brien, the genealogist at the Buffalo Irish Center.
     The staff at the hospital say they cannot recall this kind of a birthday.
Kathy Bean, charge nurse at the hospital, said, “It's unique…They definitely will have a story for the rest of their lives."
     The family have, however, already decided that the boys will celebrate their birthday together on the same day every year.
     The boys, who appear to be completely healthy, arrived a few weeks premature. They are currently in the neonatal intensive care unit under observation but they could go home as early as Tuesday to join their sister and brothers - Ava (6), Owen (5), Eamon (4) and Afton (2).

Brighid and Thomas Rosputni, of Buffalo, stand with their two newborn sons, Ronan Stephen, left, and Rory Stephen, born less than an hour apart and on different days in different years, Rory being the first local baby of 2012, at Children's Hospital in Buffalo on Sunday.
Photo by Charles Lewis / Buffalo News
     Rory and Ronan’s births also almost foiled Rosputni’s participation in her sister’s wedding on Saturday at St. Joseph University Catholic Church.
Her water broke on Saturday afternoon when she was on her way to the sister’s big day.
     She said, “All I wanted to do was see my sister walk down the aisle…We were dressed for a wedding. We made it to the church and sent our four kids to the reception and then came here."
     Rosputni’s labor had some minor complications, however, the mother of six said it was midwife Eileen Stewart who got her through the labor naturally.

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