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12 September 2011

O'Brien (No. 7.) Of Dough, Newtown, and Ennistymon.

O'Brien (No. 7.)
Of Dough, Newtown, and Ennistymon.

From Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, by John O'Hart

SIR DONAL, the second son of Connor, who is No. 121 on the "O'Brien" (Kings of Thomond) pedigree, was the ancestor of this branch of that family:

122. Sir Donal: son of Connor; m. his cousin, Slaine, dau. of Murrough, first Earl of Thomond, and relict of Patrick, the twelfth Lord of Kerry, and had:

I. Sir Turlogh, of whom presently.
II. Murtogh, who m. Mary French.
III. Connor, who m. Mary, dau. of Teige MacMahon, of Carrig‑an‑Ultach ("Carrigaholt"), and had Mary, who m. Teige MacNamara; and a son Daniel.
I. Mary, who m, Turlough Ruadh MacMahon, and had two daughters, of whom one m. O'Donnell, "Earl" of Tirconnell; and the other m. Mathew Maol MacMahon. of Clynagh.
II. Sarah, who m. O'Sullivan Beare.
III. Finola, whose second husband was Anthony O'Loughlin, of Burren, co. Clare.
123. Sir Turlogh: eldest son of Sir Donal; m. Annabella, dau. of Sir ‑‑‑‑ Lynch, of Galway, Knt., and had:

I. Donal, of whom presently.
II. Donogh, of Newtown Castle, who m. Margaret, dau. of Sir John Burke, of Derrymaclaghna, Knt., and had:

    I. Slaine, who m. Connor O'Brien, of Leamanagh; and
    I. Connor, who m. Elena, dau. of Sir Dermod O'Shaughnessy, Knt., of Gort, in the county Galway, and had Donogh, who m. Martha, dau. of Henry Ivers, of Dough.

124. Donal: son of Sir Turlogh; m. Ellen, dau. of Edmond Fitzgerald, Knight of Glin, and had:

I. Teige, of whom presently.
II. Murtogh, who m. Slaine, dau. of John MacNamara, of Moyriesk.
I. Mary, who m. Sir James MacDonnell.
II. Honoria, who m. Connor, the the second Lord Clare.

125. Teige, of Dough, the son of Donal; m. Mor, dau. of Murtogh O'Brien, of Arra, and had:

I. Donogh, of whom presently.
II. Murtogh, who m. Mary, dau. of Turlogh O'Neill.

126. Donogh, of Dough: son of Teige; m. Honoria, dau. of Connor O'Brien, of Leamanagh, and had:

127. Christopher, who removed to Ennistymon, and was twice m.: first, to Elizabeth, dau. of Theobald Matthew, of Thomastown, co. Tipperary, and by her had:

Ennistymon Castle today is a hotel.
Ennistymon graveyard.

I. Donogh, who d. young.
I. Elizabeth, who m. twice: first, to Charles MacDonnell, and secondly to Thomas Keane.
Christopher, of Ennistymon, secondly m. Mary, dau. of Randal MacDonnell, and by her had:
II. Edward, of whom presently.
III. James.

128. Edward, of Ennistymon: second son of Christopher; m. Susanna, dau. of Henry O'Brien, of Stone Hall, and had one son and three daughters:

I. Christopher, of whom presently.
I. Mary.
II. Anne.
III. Harriett.

129. Christopher: son of Edward; living in the early part of the nineteenth century.

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