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12 September 2011

O'Brien of America (No. 10.) Branch of the Marquises of Thomond

O'Brien of America (No. 10.)
Branch of the Marquises of Thomond

From Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, by John O'Hart

DONAL, a younger brother of James, who is No. 128 on the "O'Brien" (Marquises of Thomond) pedigree, was the ancestor of this branch of that family: whose descent from said Donal down to the Rev. Matthew Patrick O'Brien, Rector of St. Vincent de Paul's R.C. Church, in Minersville, Schuylkill County, Pennyslvania, United States, America, and living in 1883, is as follows:

128. Donal: a son of William, the second Earl of Inchiquin; settled in the county Waterford, and d. 1768.

129. James: son of Donal; b. 1730; d. 1800.

130. John: his son; b. 1765; d. 1840. Married Catherine (d. 25th Dec., 1860), dau. of Matthew Carroll, of Lahardown, near Portlaw, co. Waterford (a descendant of the Carrolls of Littalouna, King's County, Ireland, the parent stock and home of the Carrolls of Carrollton, Maryland, U.S.A.), and had seven sons and four daughters.

131. Martin: son of John; d. 1858. Married in 1828, Honora Mullen (a descendant of Connor, brother of Dathi, who is No. 102 on the "Concannon" pedigree), and had four sons and two daughters‑‑all of whom emigrated to the United States, America:

I. John, of whom presently.
II. Thomas, who in 1857, m. Ann Dean, a native of the county of Mayo, and had one son and four daughters:

    I. Martin.
    I. Mary‑Anne.
    II. Cecilia.
    III. Clara‑Amelia.
    IV. Annie.

III. Michael A. O'Brien: the third son of Martin; living unm. in 1883.
IV. Rev. Matthew Patrick O'Brien (b. 3rd Sept., 1837), ordained Priest in St. Charles' Seminary, Philadelphia, on the 5th April, 1869, and was in March, 1883, Rector of St. Vincent de Paul's E. C. Church, in Minersville, Schuylkill County, Pa., U.S.A.

Martin's two daughters were:

I. Mary, who in 1868, in Philadelphia, m. Michael Cahill (d. 24th July, 1881), and had one son and two daughters, living in 1883:

    I. John Cahill.
    I. Mary Cahill.
    II. Honora Cahill.

II. Bridget O'Brien, the second dau. of Martin, living unm. in 1883:

132. John O'Brien (b. 1829, d. 1865): eldest son of Martin; m. in Camden, New Jersey, Margaret Cusack (d. 1864), a native of the co. Cavan, Ireland, and had:

133. Thomas O'Brien, b. 1861; and living in Philadelphia, in 1887.

O'Brien (No. 9.) Of Ballyetragh, County Waterford.

O'Brien (No. 9.)
Of Ballyetragh, County Waterford.

From Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, by John O'Hart

TURLOGH MAOL, second son of Murtagh, who is No. 115 on the "O'Brien" (Kings of Thomond) pedigree, was the ancestor of "O'Brien" of Bun‑Cumeragh, in the county Waterford. The O'Briens of Ballyetragh are a branch of that family. Several other branches [1] of the O'Briens of Thomond settled from time to time in the county Waterford, and there held large tracts of land. We can trace the Ballyetragh branch as far back as Anthony O'Brien, of Comeragh, who in 1549 obtained a pardon from the Government: and who was contemporary with Connor, who is No. 121 on the same pedigree. In 1598 Terlagh O'Brien, son of said Anthony, lived in Comeragh [2] Castle, at the foot of the Comeragh Mountains; in 1619 that Castle was unsuccessfully besieged by eleven knights of the Furlong family. According to the "Book of Survey and Distribution" for the co. Waterford, Derby O'Brien, son of said Terlagh, was the proprietor of Comeragh, in 1641; and, according to Exchequer Inquisitions taken at Dungarvan, on the 9th October, 1656, said Derby O'Brien [3] was dead in that year.

After a fierce resistance by the five sons of Derby O'Brien, Comeragh Castle was taken by Cromwell, who hanged four of them; the fifth son, John, of Kilnafrahane, escaped to the sea‑coast and settled near Helvick Head. From said John are descended the O'Briens, of Ballyetragh, co. Waterford.

Commencing with Anthony, and with (121) the number of Connor, both above mentioned, the following is the pedigree of this family:

121. Anthony of Comeragh, who was pardoned by the Government in 1549, had:

122. Terlagh, living in 1598, who had:

123. Derby, of Comeragh Castle, living in 1641, who had:

124. John, who had:

125. Matthew, who had:

126. John, who had:

127. Matthew, who m. Mary, dau. of Mr. Keating, of Tubrid, co. Tipperary, one of the family of the eminent Irish historian Jeoffrey Keating.[4] One of that lady's brothers was Parish Priest of Kilgobinet; it was, therefore, that this Matthew O'Brien came to reside at Ballyetragh, near his brother‑in‑law. Of the issue of that marriage was:

128. Michael, who m. Miss Rogers, of Coolroe, co. Waterford (whose family is mentioned in Smith's History [5] of Waterford, as among the Landed Gentry residing near Suir), and had four sons and five daughters:

I. Pierse, of whom presently.
II. Matthew Rogers O'Brien (d.), of Coolroe, above mentioned; who m. Ellen, dau. of James Connolly, Barrister‑at‑Law (a descendant of the famous Harry Flood), and had three sons and three daughters:

    I. Gerald,
    II. Thomas,
    III. Michael,
    (All three living in 1884).
    The daughters were:
    I. Anne, who m. Doctor Walsh, of New York.
    II. Helen, who m. Doctor Dutt, of Calcutta.
    III. Mary, who (see the "Ryding" pedigree, infra), m. Frederick Ryding, L.D.S., R.C.S.E.; both living in 1887.

III. Thomas, of Kilnafrahane; third son of Michael.
IV. Michael: the fourth son. The five daughters of Michael (No. 128) were:

    I. Mary, who m. M. Hudson, Esq.
    II. Anne, who m. a Mr. Barry.
    III. Ellen.
    IV. Eliza.
    V. Kate.

129. Pierse O'Brien, of Ballyetragh, co. Waterford: eldest son of Michael, living in 1887; is the present representative of the Ballyetragh family.


[1] Branches: Of those branches we find that Daniel O'Brien, of Ballyknocke, in 1632, was the son of Teige (d. 1620), who was the son of a Donagh O'Brien; that Murtagh O'Brien, of Cottir, in 1641, was the son of Mahon (d. 1623), who was son of a Donagh O'Brien; and that Donagh O'Brien of Jemybrien, in 1641, was the son of a Brian O'Brien. There are several Inquisitions in the Chancery Records for the co. of Waterford, in the reign of Charles I., regarding the O'Briens.

[2] Comeragh: Salterbridge near Cappoquin, on the river Blackwater, also belonged to this family.

[3] Derby O'Brien: As this Derby was dead in 1656, it may be supposed that the Mary Brien of Kilcomeragh, who was transplanted from the co. Waterford, in 1653, was his wife. Among the O'Briens who in that year were also transplanted from the co. Waterford were Terlagh O'Brien, of Cottin; Donagh O'Brien, of Kilnafahane; and Brian O'Brien, of Ballyathin (or "Boullyattin")‑‑See "Transplanters' Certificates," in the Public Record Office, Dublin; and "Persons Transplanted," in p. 349 of our Irish Landed Gentry when Cromwell came to Ireland. (Dublin: Duffy and Sons, 1884).

[4] Keating: There were four brothers Keating, all Priests, who had studied at the then famous University of Coimbra, in Portugal. They were near relatives of the Rev. Father Sheehy, of famous memory, who was arrested in the house of Mr. Keating of Tubrid, above mentioned.

[5] History: Published in 1750.

O'Brien (No. 8.) Of Ballynalacken, County Clare.

O'Brien (No. 8.)
Of Ballynalacken, County Clare.

From Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, by John O'Hart

Arms: Gu. three lions pass. guard. in pale per pale or. and ar. Crest: An arm embowed, brandishing a sword ar. pommelled and hilted or. Motto: Viguer de dessus.

DONAL, a younger son of Turlogh Donn (d. 1528), who is No. 119 on the "O'Brien" (Kings of Thomond) pedigree, was the ancestor of this branch of that family; and possessed the territories there mentioned.

120. Donal, who was known as Donal Bacach ("bacach:" Irish, lame): second son of Teige‑an‑Chomhaid: m. Saibh, dau. of O'Loghlin, Prince of Burren, and had four sons:

I. Brian.
II. Teige.
III. Connor, of whom presently.
IV. Mortogh.

Brian, Teige, and Mortogh left no issue; but their brother Connor inherited their lands.

121. Connor, of Carruduff: third son of Donal Bacach; m. Celia, dau. of O'Dea, Prince of Ive‑Fermaic, and had:

122. Donogh, of Carruduff, who m. Honora, dau. of O'Hehir, lord of Ive‑Cormaic, and had two sons:

I. Dermod, of whom presently.
II. Connor, a quo Donal Cam and his issue:

123. Dermod, of Carruduff: son of Donogh, m. Eleanor, dau. of Teige MacMahon, of Dangan‑an‑Elly, in the barony of Moyarta, co. Clare, and had:

I. Donal, of whom presently.
II. Morrogh.

124. Donal, of Carruduff: son of Dermod. In 1652, (see the "Book of Survey and Distribution") this Donal lost his estate by the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland; he m. Honora, dau. of O'Connor of Corcomroe, and had:

125. Brian, of Leitrim, who, under the Act of Repeal passed by King James II. in the Parliament held in Dublin, A.D. 1689, possessed himself of the Estate of Carruduff, aforesaid. This Brian m. Mary, dau. of Lochlin MacConsidine of Lac, in the co. Clare, Chief of his name, and had four sons:

I. Dermod, Knt. of the Military Order of St. Louis; was in the Regiment of Lord Clare; and d. s. p.
II. Torlogh, of whom presently.
III. Teige, of Lanna, who d. s. p.
IV. Morrough (or Morgan), who d. in 1774. He was a Captain in Lord Clare's Regiment; Knight of the Military Order of St. Louis, in Oct., 1736, married at Landrecies, Maria Louisa de Thomak (a French lady), and had:

I. Brian (or Bernard), who was an Aid‑Major, in Lord Clare's Regiment, and died at Vitre in Brittany in 1738.
II. Florence Dermod (or Darby), born at Landrecies, 3rd October, 1743; Captain in Clare's Regiment; Knight of Royal and Military Order of St. Louis; and Commandant of St. Germain de Calberte in the Sevennes. On the 6th September, 1774, at Bogny, in the diocese of Reims, he married Dame Maria Theresa de Covarruvias de Leyva, dau. of Charles, Marquis of Covarruvias de Leyva, Colonel of the Life Guards of the Duke of Modena, and Inspector‑Genl. of his forces; and had: Marie‑Theresa‑Thadee O'Brien, b. at Bogny, aforesaid, on the 9th October, 1780.

126. Torlogh, of Leitrim: second son of Brian of Beatath‑Corick, Esq. (by Catherine, dau. of Jeoffry O'Connell, of Breantry, Esq., and sister of Colonel Maurice O'Connell, who d. s. p.), and had two sons and one daughter:

I. Torlogh, of whom presently. II. John, who m. Miss Foster, of Kells, and had: Terence, who d. unm. in Oct., 1829.
I. Catherine, a professed Nun at Limerick.

127. Torlogh, of Cross or Elmvale: son of Torlogh; m. Eleanor, dau. of Mortogh O'Hogan, of Cross (by Eleanor Butler, niece of Sir Toby, Butler, Knt., M.P., Chief Commissioner of the Inch, at the Capitulation of Limerick), and had two sons and one daughter:

I. John, of Limerick, who m. Margaret, dau. of ‑‑‑‑‑‑ Macnamara, Esq., of London; and d. s. p. in 1792 (Will dated 1st Feb., 1792; and proved 20th Dec., 1792).
II. James, of whom presently.

128. James, of Limerick (d. 21st Feb., 1806): second son of Torlogh; in Feb., 1791, m. Margaret [1] (d. 6th April, 1839), dau. of Peter Long, Esq., of Waterford, and had four sons:

I. John (died 1855), of whom presently.
II. Peter (b. Sept., 1799), of Limerick, who m. Emily, dau. of Edward Shiel, Esq., and sister of the Right Honble. Richard Lalor Shiel, M.P. In Sept., 1855, this Peter d. s. p.
III. Terence, b. Dec., 1802; d. unm. in March, 1820.

IV. James, b. 27th Feb., 1806; dead. Was called to the Bar in 1830; made Q.C., in 1841; Serjeant in 1848; Judge in 1858; was M.P. for Limerick, from Oct., 1854, to Jan., 1858. In July, 1836, this James m. Margaret, dau. of Thomas Segrave, Esq., and had one son and five daughters:

    I. John, b. 25th Feb., 1855. I. Anne, a Nun, b. 1837.
    II. Margaret, a Nun, b. 1839.
    III. Mary, b. in 1845.
    IV. Clara, b. in 1847.
    V. Emily, b. in 1849.

129. John (d. 6th Feb., 1855; bur. in Francis‑street burial ground, Dublin), of Elmvale, J.P., afterwards of Ballinalacken, in the co. Clare; was High Sheriff of that county; M.P. for the City of Limerick, from 1841 to 1852. This John m. Ellen (d. Dec., 1869; bur. in Francis‑street, Dublin), dau. of Jeremiah Murphy, Esq., Hyde Park, Cork, and had six sons and four daughters:

I. James, of whom presently.
II. Jerome, in the 28th Regt.
III. John, a Cistercian Monk.
IV. William (d.), I.A.H. Artillery.
V. Peter, of 41 Merrion square, Dublin, called to the Bar in 1860; made Q.C. in 1880; Senior Crown Prosecutor for Dublin in 1883; and appointed Her Majesty's Third Sergeant‑at‑Law, in 1884 This Peter, in Aug., 1867, m. Annie, dau. of Robert Clarke, Esq., J.P., of Bansha, co. Tipperary and had:

    I. Annie‑Georgina.
    II. Eilen‑Mary.

VI. Terence.
I. Margaret, who m. James Martin, Esq., J.P., of 99 Fitzwilliam square, Dublin.
II. Ellen, who m. Robert Daniell, Esq., J.P., of Newforest, co. Westmeath.
III. Catto, a Nun.
IV. Anna.

All these sons and daughters of John (No. 129), except William, living in 1884.

130. James O'Brien, of Ballynalacken, co. Clare, J.P., D.L.: eldest son of John; b. in the City of Limerick, on the 9th Jan., 1832; was High Sheriff of the co. Clare: in 1858; m. in 1865 Georgina, widow of Francis McNamara, Calcutt, Esq., J.P., M.p., of St. Catherine's, co. Clare; living in 1884.


[1] Margaret: This lady was dau. of Peter Long, by Anne, his wife, elder dau. of Stephen Roche, Esq., of Limerick, and sister of John Roche, Esq., of Dublin, Margaret m. secondly Cornelius O'Brien, Esq., M.P., co. Clare.

O'Brien (No. 7.) Of Dough, Newtown, and Ennistymon.

O'Brien (No. 7.)
Of Dough, Newtown, and Ennistymon.

From Irish Pedigrees; or the Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation, by John O'Hart

SIR DONAL, the second son of Connor, who is No. 121 on the "O'Brien" (Kings of Thomond) pedigree, was the ancestor of this branch of that family:

122. Sir Donal: son of Connor; m. his cousin, Slaine, dau. of Murrough, first Earl of Thomond, and relict of Patrick, the twelfth Lord of Kerry, and had:

I. Sir Turlogh, of whom presently.
II. Murtogh, who m. Mary French.
III. Connor, who m. Mary, dau. of Teige MacMahon, of Carrig‑an‑Ultach ("Carrigaholt"), and had Mary, who m. Teige MacNamara; and a son Daniel.
I. Mary, who m, Turlough Ruadh MacMahon, and had two daughters, of whom one m. O'Donnell, "Earl" of Tirconnell; and the other m. Mathew Maol MacMahon. of Clynagh.
II. Sarah, who m. O'Sullivan Beare.
III. Finola, whose second husband was Anthony O'Loughlin, of Burren, co. Clare.
123. Sir Turlogh: eldest son of Sir Donal; m. Annabella, dau. of Sir ‑‑‑‑ Lynch, of Galway, Knt., and had:

I. Donal, of whom presently.
II. Donogh, of Newtown Castle, who m. Margaret, dau. of Sir John Burke, of Derrymaclaghna, Knt., and had:

    I. Slaine, who m. Connor O'Brien, of Leamanagh; and
    I. Connor, who m. Elena, dau. of Sir Dermod O'Shaughnessy, Knt., of Gort, in the county Galway, and had Donogh, who m. Martha, dau. of Henry Ivers, of Dough.

124. Donal: son of Sir Turlogh; m. Ellen, dau. of Edmond Fitzgerald, Knight of Glin, and had:

I. Teige, of whom presently.
II. Murtogh, who m. Slaine, dau. of John MacNamara, of Moyriesk.
I. Mary, who m. Sir James MacDonnell.
II. Honoria, who m. Connor, the the second Lord Clare.

125. Teige, of Dough, the son of Donal; m. Mor, dau. of Murtogh O'Brien, of Arra, and had:

I. Donogh, of whom presently.
II. Murtogh, who m. Mary, dau. of Turlogh O'Neill.

126. Donogh, of Dough: son of Teige; m. Honoria, dau. of Connor O'Brien, of Leamanagh, and had:

127. Christopher, who removed to Ennistymon, and was twice m.: first, to Elizabeth, dau. of Theobald Matthew, of Thomastown, co. Tipperary, and by her had:

Ennistymon Castle today is a hotel.
Ennistymon graveyard.

I. Donogh, who d. young.
I. Elizabeth, who m. twice: first, to Charles MacDonnell, and secondly to Thomas Keane.
Christopher, of Ennistymon, secondly m. Mary, dau. of Randal MacDonnell, and by her had:
II. Edward, of whom presently.
III. James.

128. Edward, of Ennistymon: second son of Christopher; m. Susanna, dau. of Henry O'Brien, of Stone Hall, and had one son and three daughters:

I. Christopher, of whom presently.
I. Mary.
II. Anne.
III. Harriett.

129. Christopher: son of Edward; living in the early part of the nineteenth century.